Protected Species Surveys

Great Crested Newts
EINC is licensed to undertake presence/absence surveys for great crested newts using both standard and eDNA (a form of genetic sampling) techniques.

Our aim is to minimise potential delays in project schedules and to provide comprehensive mitigation measures to support planning applications.

EINC is licensed to undertake barn owl surveys which are often a pre-planning application requirement for repair and/or development work at farms and listed buildings.


EINC also offer a full suite of additional bird surveys, including Breeding Bird Surveys, Common Bird Census surveys, Winter bird, Upland bird and Wetland bird surveys.
These surveys are often a pre-requisite for large-scale developments such as new roads and wind farms as well as individual conservation and research projects.

Water Voles, Badgers and Otters
Water voles, badgers and otters are also fully protected by UK law and otters are further protected by European legislation. EINC offer specialist surveys at the correct time(s) of year for all three of these protected mammals. Our aim is to record and assess the presence/absence of these species, to determine the impacts (if any) of proposed developments and to recommend appropriate mitigation measures. EINC also has experience of translocating protected species to appropriate recipient sites.