Ecological Impact Assessments

EINC is experienced in producing Ecological Assessments to appraise both large and small-scale projects. For large scale projects such appraisals will draw together information from desktop studies, legal and policy frameworks and surveys to provide a comprehensive analysis on the ecological impacts of a development (Ecological Impact Assessment EcIA).

The findings of an EcIA will include recommendations on mitigation measures to avoid, reduce and compensate the ecological impacts of a development and provide a range of ecological enhancement measures.

The aim of both large and small scale ecological appraisals is to help local  authorities and developers alike to understand the ecological issues of a project. Such considerations are essential when authorities determine applications for consent.

For large-scale projects EINC also offers the following specialist services:
• Ecological Clerk of Works (ecological site supervision)
• Expert Witness for Public Inquiry and Proof of Evidence (bats, birds and habitats)